Sati Yoga Studio offers the Kaiut Yoga Method, a form of yoga that was developed over the last 30 years and adapted to the concerns of the modern person, especially the issues stemming from the Western lifestyle and its particular stresses on the body and mind.
Classes begin with restoring and preserving biomechanical health, where the teacher guides students to uncover rigidity and imbalances in the body and to restore both mobility and strength.
The full form of traditional yoga poses (asanas) are not frequently taught. Different aspects of poses are explored deeply for specific work, beginning with the joints. The modified poses help identify imbalance in the body and those imbalances are progressively addressed through the sequence of classes. The results impact the whole system.
The method has a “less is more” approach where the floor is frequently used so the student is in a more resting state, even while the work is demanding strength and concentration. This approach is an effective means for progressing safely and efficiently.
The Kaiut Method, named after its founder Francisco Kaiut, was meticulously developed and includes hundreds of sequences which students are given over time. Precise instructions, varying levels of pressure and timing in the positions are key to the results students achieve.
In the words of the founder Francisco Kaiut:
“I prefer people to be without distractions so that they can go deep inside and listen to their bodies. We are working with the very specific blockages in each person’s body and asking their minds to accept and work with whatever arises. If there is joy afterward that’s just an added bonus. It could be anger or frustration that arises, and that is OK too."
In addition to its success in addressing chronic pain and accommodating injuries and other limitations, the method serves well those in robust health and the athletic body, promoting efficiency, agility and the foundations of mental poise.
Yoga practitioners of other styles move beyond blockages in their regular practices.
In Francisco’s home studio in Brazil, Olympic athletes and octogenarians with hip replacements work side-by-side in the same classes. Sati Yoga Studio works with soccer players and other athletes as well as our older, sedentary students with knee replacements, managing arthritis, battling cancer and many other challenges.
In the words of one student: “For me, an appealing aspect of Kaiut Yoga is the maturity of the practitioners and that its devotees are not just über-athletes doing extreme exposes, but more an assortment of folks from all walks of life."
In the end, this method is offered to provide any and all persons with relief from pain, greater vitality and an added boost on this journey through life.
Backstory on the Kaiut Method
Due to a traumatic injury at six years old and the resulting ongoing pain, Francisco trained intensively in various healing arts, eventually finding his way to yoga. In-depth studies of various yoga methods and traditions provided answers he was looking for and sparked his ambitious development of yoga as a healing art for the Western body and mind. Studying yoga with the rigor of a scientist and practicing intensively, Francisco continues to refine his method and tirelessly teaches to a worldwide student base.
This video tells the story.
Teaching internationally now, he introduced the Kaiut Yoga Method to Europe via Oxford University (England) where he’d been invited to speak at a world symposium on Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition.
Yoga Journal dubbed him a "Yoga Rebel:" https://www.yogajournal.com/lifestyle/5-teachers-may-change-way-think-yoga